Zhenya, why did you drop out of school?"- I asked a young man who invited me to Nome, Alaska, to work on underwater gold mining. Zhenya has two own floating dredges with 6-inch nozzles here, with these dredges you can work at sea in public areas along the coast without licenses. It is also possible on private "clips" for a stipulated percentage with the owner of the plot. I have known Zhenya since my old friend Alexey brought him with him to Kodiak, to the commercial fishing of trepang. Zhenya was then 15 years old. Alexey invited him here, to Nome, too. Alexey himself has not been with us for seven years, but Zhenya took it and unwound himself. He is nimble, observant, with a lively mind, but with huge gaps in education and with completely worthless postulates that filled his head in some unconventional, Russian-speaking church in Alabama. As a result, he makes serious mistakes in the organization of affairs and in the use of technology, where knowledge of mechanics, physics and an elementary understanding of chemical processes would not hurt. He greatly ruins relationships with people in working collectives, imposing mandatory weekends on Saturdays on people, when the weather, on the contrary, favors successful fishing, and sometimes simply inspires primitive sermons to others, not knowing how superficial his biblical knowledge is and how spoiled by the politics of his "uncles", whose sermons he listens to with reverence in their parish. Now Zhenya is 28 years old. "Yes, the teacher told us that we are descended from monkeys!" - Zhenya answers my question. He is still outraged. "I tell her, what are you talking about, you fool! You may be descended from a monkey, but God created me!" - he's really boiling, and it's been more than a decade. A gas burner with a blue torch is burning between us. "Zhenya, what is a flame?" I asked him just out of curiosity. "Vasily, you don't understand that it doesn't matter, the Lord God will always tell you, guide and guide you how to do the right thing. Our knowledge is not important, it is insignificant compared to the omnipotent and omnipotent..."- Zhenya is getting hot. I interrupt him: "So, what is a flame?" "Vasily, well, you're like a little one, it's fire!" and he giggled deliberately, or maybe it really seemed to him that he was joking well. Zhenya has a smooth oriental face, swarthy, with sparse hair, full lips, thick black eyebrows and eyes as black as olives. He is short, slender, agile and impatient. "Zhenya, ions, plasma, quanta, photons.."- I didn't finish. Zhenya plugged his ears and childishly began this very "lalalalala....!" It turned out very stupid! Why did I even start this conversation? We were sitting with him in a cafe and there was an audience around. True, it was noisy and there were enough conversations here. Besides, we spoke Russian. I still have to live in the same trailer with him until the end of the month and I can already leave all serious expectations from the season. His half-killed technique can no longer be remade. Everything needs to be changed, but not by me. If everything is re-purchased and remounted, in a year everything will be corroded by rust again, and perhaps it will unfreeze over the winter. The conditions for metal here are very tough. By winter, thoughtful conservation of equipment is necessary because the wind from the sea carries a salty drizzle and covers the whole city with snow for two meters until spring. That is why all the houses in the city rise above the tundra on stilts. "You have a very lively mind. You would be a truly successful entrepreneur if you got a good education" - that's how I end the conversation and for a moment Zhenya stopped fooling around. He looked at me carefully and it was obvious that he was flattered. True, it was my "blank shot". He will never go to school again, much less go to college, but he will not stop going to church, and those sermons that he recorded on video and listens to in genuine ecstasy in the trailer on evenings and Saturdays will not raise and develop his intelligence. Rather the opposite. Under various pretexts, I left the trailer. Nevertheless, it was Zhenya who taught me how to mine gold! It's not a tricky case, but there are nuances. However, here we will talk about the human mind))). Both Zhenya and I, as well as our entire human race, belong to one single biological species, which in all languages, with the filing of Karl Liney, is called Homo sapiens, a Reasonable Person. Take any Eskimo in Alaska, a pygmy in Australia, a British lord in England, the darkest man in southern Rhodesia, the most kosher Jew in Israel, the genetic material in all cases will match 99%. Outwardly, we are all united by a straight gait "on the hind limbs", we all have high and developed frontal lobes of the brain, we can speak clearly (articulately), and thus communicate using developed speech. We can dream, plan our activities deeply, fantasize, make discoveries, develop tools, and rebuild our lives. We are social and can live in an organized community with structured management. We have the concepts of spirituality, morality and faith. We have created art, religion, as well as science......... Let's agree with Zhenya that the Almighty created us! But in a few days he did not mold Adam out of the corruption of the earth, and it was not from Adam's rib that Eve turned out for him. It took billions of years and the Earth appeared out of cosmic dust. It is even possible that at first it was flat, like our galaxy is now, but the centripetal forces of gravity gathered the dust clouds into one dense cloud, and then pulled them into an even denser ball. Compressed cosmic flesh still boils inside the planet under incredible gravitational pressure, but mountains, oceans of water, fertile valleys and an airy atmosphere have appeared on its hardened surface. Our planet is 7 billion years old.. a little later, four billion years ago, complex organic molecules arose, then protoplasm, a little later a living cell was formed and then complex structures began to arise, which in turn developed into the animal and plant world. But the man still wasn't there. Billions of years have passed until nature or God managed to create archaic primates from the most advanced primates. Approximately 70 million years ago, an upright man, Homo erectus, appeared, but a working man, Homo ergaster, developed only 1.8 million years ago. By this time, he had managed to learn how to sharpen stones. This allowed our great-grandfather to cut and cut different materials. But he still couldn't speak. It took a long time before the "creation" of modern man. Cave troglodytes, Australopithecines, Neanderthals, Dionysians, Georgians, Heidelbergians, and others, as well as undiscovered primordial humans preceded our appearance. All of them eventually died out, fortunately for us, we are the only species that evolved from the same primates survived.. and they learned to speak, collect, sow, breed, build, sew, sculpt, draw, change, move, manage, create rituals and rules. We managed to become reasonable. Our only species is intelligent man, Homo sapiens. All the others are extinct. This happened about 200 thousand years ago, when we, people with the ability to think, plan, create, fantasize, study ourselves and the nature around us, were left alone on this planet. At the same time, we are now the most numerous species of placental mammals, primates on our planet. In total, the number of monkeys and semi-monkeys from which we descended, together with us, is 517 species. In the order of mammals, we are in fourth place after rodents, bats and insectivores. We, the people. We are bisexual, we are omnivorous, we lead a diurnal lifestyle. Men have more muscles, women have more adipose tissue. In addition, we are extremely social. In addition to our abilities to speak, work creatively, fantasize, store and transmit information from generation to generation, we tend to live in complex social structures consisting of many cooperating and competing groups with sizes from family to state. Social activity allowed us to develop rules of behavior, create the foundations of morality. Productive progress, the emergence of trade and trade routes has led to the colossal development of culture and the development of resources completely inaccessible to other, even the closest to us biological species living on our planet. Only man and human society have developed in this way and turned out to be capable of what trillions of other species of organisms were not capable of. Trillions, of course, include microorganisms, but we should not forget about them either, because we all originally came from one cell. I can't explain it to my wife. He is not a fool, but he was taught in their society who to listen to and who not! Who is righteous and who is not! There are about five thousand religions in the world!!! Of course, most believers come to the main temples of the Abrahamic religions, and are also committed to Buddhism and Hinduism, but even here a huge number are divided into branches and appendages and everyone considers himself the most righteous. Many religions have died out, even parody beliefs have appeared. Nevertheless, 85% of the population of our planet profess any of them and thus are divided by faith. At the same time, God himself remains one for all and only this leaves some hope for world reconciliation. Anthropologists are practically united in the fact that our archaic and modern great-ancestors originated and developed in South Africa, and as evolution and climatic changes occurred, migrations and settlement took place almost all over the planet with the exception of Antarctica. The first civilizations arose in the Middle East and East Asia. Later, America was settled, and the latest new abodes of representatives of our species and genus were Australia and New Zealand. Several times, humanity, like dinosaurs, found themselves on the verge of worldwide extinction due to global cataclysms and epidemics. But they survived and multiplied to an incredible eight billion human souls today
Ускорение, с которым мы развивались от камня до металла, от пара до электричества, от конной почты до всемирного беспроводного интернета, от бумажных крыльев первого самолёта до киберзвука, от первого "Спутника", до Вояджера уже вышедшего за пределы солнечной системы, от смартфона до искусственного интеллекта, может вызвать "взрыв мозга". Уже сейчас лучшие умы потерянно гадают, что же нас ждёт в ближайшее время?! В ближайшее! Ведь если от камня до бронзы прошли 2.5 миллиона лет, от бронзы до стали меньше 1000 лет, от пара до электричества меньше ста, интернет захватил нас за двадцать лет, а смартфон и искусственный интеллект уже слились в обоюдном соитии. При этом глобальные проблемы, возникающие от самого этого развития, становятся угрожающими на уровне естественных, глобальных, потенциально фатальных, катаклизмов, которые никуда не исчезли. Я вырос в обществе провозглашавшим всемирное братство в "ближайшем будущем". Мы его ждали двадцать лет при одном из лидеров, потом на переходе столетий. В моей новой школе, в Мариуполе, строителями была даже заложена капсула с посланием потомкам, которую следовало вскрыть в 2000-м году. Новое тысячелетие наступило, но капсулу ранее тихо изъяли из стены и затерли полость штукатуркой. Несмотря на наш разум, на нашу в 99% генетическую общность, на единство рода и происхождения, мы разделились границами на двести государств, говорим на 7-ми тысячах языков, исповедуем более четырёх тысяч религий, счёт партий и идеологий просто потерян, они плодятся непрерывно. Мы разделены и конфликтны. У нас нет естественных, первобытных свобод. Без паспорта мы не имеем гражданских прав. Без многочисленных виз мы не можем свободно путешествовать и пересекать границы Без признания государственных идеологий, или верований люди могут подвергаться смертельному риску от провозгласивших их членов сообщества. Как только человечество развилось до государственных образований и познало силу оружия оно также научилось воевать за ресурсы, научилось массово убивать себе подобных и добилось изуверского совершенства в казуистике оправдания этих убийств. . "Г. Суслов По данным военных историков, на земле было более 15 тысяч войн. Известна статистика войн за последние столетия. В ХVI веке было 106 войн, в ХVII - 231, в ХVIII - 703 войны, в Х1Х - 730 войн. В ХХ веке, до Второй мировой войны, было 882 войны, а после Второй мировой - более 300. К ним надо прибавить две мировых войны. Итого за ХХ век набирается около 1200 войн. Производит впечатление и число жертв этих войн. В ХVII веке в войнах было убито 3300 тыс. человек, в ХVIII в. - 5200 тыс., в Х1Х в. - 5600 тыс. человек. Еще больше убивали в мировых войнах. В Первой мировой войне было убито 10 млн. человек, а во Второй мировой - 62 млн. Десятки миллионов было убито в малых и гражданских войнах ХХ в. Представляет интерес и то, во что обходится убийство человека на войне. Во времена цезарей убийство на войне одного человека обходилось в 1 доллар. Во времена Наполеона на убийство человека на войне тратили 1000 долларов. В годы Первой мировой войны на убийство человека расходовали 21 тыс. долларов, а во Второй мировой уже 200 тыс. долларов". ....... Прямо сйчас в мире происходит 70 военных конфликтов. Мой отец воевал с японцами в Манчжурии и на курильских островах, дядя погиб на западном фронте. Все свое детство и юность я помню наполненным неподдельным счастьем мирной жизни, поскольку нам очень хорошо и сильно показали, чего нам стоило эта война. После распада Союза вдруг заполыхало по всему его периметру. Затем, на короткое время, показалось, что ужас и потрясение начали проходить и мирная жизнь вновь налаживается, как началось наихудшее, наименее вероятное, наименее возможное, если смотреть на жизнь и ее собственное восприятие в ретроспективе.... Произошли безвозвратные потери близких на родных землях от рук родных ранее людей. Кровопролитный процесс длится уже почти десятилетие и не останавливается. Как все войны, когда-то закончится и эта, но именно эта коснулась меня лично и заставляет думать, так, как никогда ранее. Мы люди разумные, но как и у моего молодого приятеля Жени, наше сознание заблокировано элементарным невежеством, тотальной подверженностью влиянию средствами массовой информации, искаженной и изощренной пропагандой сильных мира сего. Голос разума глохнет в нем, как щебет птиц под гулом Ниагары. Мы элементарно теряемся в ее потоке, нервы вовлеченых людей перегреваются, а манипулирующие силы отлично научились нажимать на кнопки, чтобы разводить нас по сторонам или сталкивать лбами. Зашоренные скандирующие толпы, безсмысленное кровавое насилие, безумные дебаты и истерики совершенно несвойственные в естественной природе заполняют нашу современную жизнь со времен Бастилии и только библия напоминает нам, что благими намерениями выслана дорога в ад. Только где здесь благие намерения?! Неужели только глобальный катаклизм, астероид, суперцунами, черная оспа или новое оледенение может остановить нас? А может все-таки потоп!? И тогда погаснет электричество. Прервется общение и способность к передвижению по планете. Мы начнём мёрзнуть и голодать. Сильнейшими, в этом случае, окажутся те, что живут ближе к природе. Они сумеют собраться, разжечь и поддержать огонь, добудут и вырастят себе пищу, продолжат и защитят свой род. У нынешних же "всесильных" начнутся проблемы, закончаться запасы, отсыреют патроны, они начнут пожирать друг друга, сожгут свои флаги и трибуны в последних попытках обогреться, умрут в агонии с безумными глазами им будет некому и нечего говорить. Скорее всего пропадёт и дар речи. Будут слышны только истошные крики от фантомной боли и безумное, предсмертное мычание.....
The acceleration with which we have evolved from stone to metal, from steam to electricity, from horse mail to the worldwide wireless Internet, from the paper wings of the first airplane to cyber sound, from the first "Satellite" to Voyager that has already gone beyond the solar system, from a smartphone to artificial intelligence, can cause a "brain explosion". Even now, the best minds are wondering what awaits us in the near future?! Soon! After all, if 2.5 million years have passed from stone to bronze, less than 1000 years from bronze to steel, less than a hundred from steam to electricity, the Internet has captured us in twenty years, and the smartphone and artificial intelligence have already merged in mutual intercourse. At the same time, the global problems arising from this development itself become threatening at the level of natural, global, potentially fatal, cataclysms that have not disappeared anywhere. I grew up in a society that proclaimed a worldwide brotherhood in the "near future." We waited for him for twenty years under one of the leaders, then at the transition of centuries. In my new school, in Mariupol, the builders even laid a capsule with a message to descendants, which should have been opened in 2000. The new millennium has come, but the capsule was previously quietly removed from the wall and the cavity was rubbed with plaster. Despite our intelligence, our 99% genetic community, the unity of the genus and origin, we are divided by borders into two hundred states, speak 7 thousand languages, profess more than four thousand religions, the account of parties and ideologies is simply lost, they multiply continuously. We are divided and conflicted. We have no natural, primitive freedoms. Without a passport, we have no civil rights. Without multiple visas, we cannot travel freely and cross borders Without recognizing state ideologies or beliefs, people may be at deadly risk from the members of the community who proclaimed them. As soon as humanity developed into state formations and learned the power of weapons, it also learned to fight for resources, learned to kill its own kind en masse and achieved fanatical perfection in the casuistry of justifying these murders. . "G. Suslov According to military historians, there have been more than 15 thousand wars on earth. The statistics of wars over the past centuries are known. In the XVI century there were 106 wars, in the XVII - 231, in the XVIII - 703 wars, in the X1X - 730 wars. In the twentieth century, before the Second World War, there were 882 wars, and after the Second World War - more than 300. Two world wars should be added to them. In total, about 1200 wars are being recruited for the twentieth century. The number of victims of these wars is also impressive. In the XVII century, 3300 thousand people were killed in wars, in the XVIII century - 5200 thousand, in the XIX century - 5600 thousand people. Even more were killed in world wars. In the First World War, 10 million people were killed, and in the Second World War - 62 million. Tens of millions were killed in small and civil wars of the twentieth century . It is also of interest what it costs to kill a person in war. In the time of the Caesars, killing one person in the war cost $1. In the time of Napoleon, $1,000 was spent on killing a man in the war. During the First World War, 21 thousand dollars were spent on killing a person, and in the Second World War already 200 thousand dollars". ....... Right now there are 70 military conflicts in the world. My father fought with the Japanese in Manchuria and the Kuril Islands, my uncle died on the western front. I remember my entire childhood and youth filled with genuine happiness of peaceful life, because we were very well and strongly shown what this war cost us. After the collapse of the Union, it suddenly flared up all over its perimeter. Then, for a short time, it seemed that the horror and shock began to pass and peaceful life was getting better again, as the worst, least probable, least possible, if you look at life and its own perception in retrospect, began.... There have been irretrievable losses of loved ones in their native lands at the hands of previously loved people. The bloody process has been going on for almost a decade and does not stop. Like all wars, this one will end someday, but this one touched me personally and makes me think like never before. We are reasonable people, but like my young friend Zhenya, our consciousness is blocked by elementary ignorance, total exposure to the influence of the media, distorted and sophisticated propaganda of the powerful. The voice of reason is silenced in him, like the chirping of birds under the hum of Niagara. We simply get lost in its flow, the nerves of the people involved overheat, and the manipulating forces have perfectly learned to push buttons to separate us from the sides or push us with their foreheads. Blinded chanting crowds, senseless bloody violence, insane debates and tantrums completely out of character in natural nature have filled our modern life since the time of the Bastille, and only the Bible reminds us that the road to hell was sent out with good intentions. But where are the good intentions here?! Is it really only a global cataclysm, an asteroid, a super tsunami, smallpox or a new glaciation that can stop us? Or maybe there will be a flood after all!? And then the electricity will go out. Communication and the ability to move around the planet will be interrupted. We will start to freeze and starve. The strongest, in this case, will be those who live closer to nature. They will be able to gather, kindle and maintain a fire, get and grow food for themselves, continue and protect their kind. The current "all-powerful" will have problems, stocks will run out, they will get wet cartridges, they will start devouring each other, burn their flags and stands in their last attempts to warm up, die in agony with crazy eyes, they will have no one and nothing to say. Most likely, the gift of speech will also disappear. Only heart-rending screams from phantom pain and insane, dying bellowing will be heard.....
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