About levitation and dinosaurs ...
Our cute dinosaurs had a chance to survive. After the impact of an asteroid, the global fire, then frost caused by a general eclipse and a terrible famine, two of them, by some miracle,remained alive. Moreover, they were able to find each other and meet. One of them turned out to be a male, the other a female !. He immediately told her: "Mmmm ?!" She replied: "Nope" ... So we did not see them again.
An asteroid can hit our planet at any time, and then all of us can come to exactly the same end. An underwater shift in the earth's crust may also occur, which will cause super tsunami and it will wash away most of humanity. Yaleston volcano can also do all sorts of things, as well as viruses. If an intestinal pandemic appears in a year, we will add diapers to the masks and with that we will survive. Over time, the earth will boil over inside, cool down and stop rotating around its axis. Then It will be roasted through and through from the side of the sun, and the permafrost will pierce the opposite part. How to live then? Humanity really has a lot of natural dangers, many more and without sarcasm.
In addition to us, there are more than a trillion different types of biological life forms on our planet. We will never be able to discover them all, despite the fact that science makes these discoveries all the time. More than 400 thousand species are known today in the plant world of flowers alone. Microorganisms number in the millions. As the complexity of organisms increases, the number of species decreases. So, for example, a little more than 35 thousand species of fish are known, mammals are already only 5.5 thousand, although together with the extinct there were 20 thousand of them. Among them, 38 (not thousands) of whale species are known, while 127 have already become extinct. There are 14 to 27 species and subspecies of wolves left. Man, Homo sapiens, exists in the only (!!!) remaining biological species. Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, "Georgians" (Homo georgicus), Australopithecines and our other 14 ancestors, descended from the same primates of the Bonobos hominids, have not reached our days.
While Life on earth, in the simplest cellular form with a nucleus, in the form of prokaryotes, arose "almost" immediately with the formation of the planet itself, that is, about 4 billion years ago. Homo sapiens was formed in the course of the evolution 200 thousand years ago. Take a moment and look at these numbers. We are the humans seem to have just entered this door of life, but how?! We stood up proudly on our hind legs and raised our faces to the sun! We have learned to speak articulate and think logically. We started to create! And again, how! At first, using simple sticks and spears, we managed to dig up the ground, defeat saber-toothed tigers, bears, mammoths and ... our own kind. Then there were stones, bronze, cast iron, compass, paper, steam, gunpowder, oil, cars, electricity, communications, aircraft, spacecraft, digital technology, simple mobiles, smart phones ... and this is just the beginning. And while we really do not know our future.
Remember the enchanting masterpiece of cinema "Back to the Future", in 1985 we were predicted to levitate on skateboards and flying cars in 2015, but smartphones were not shown there and current information also continued to flow through the "dead" facsimiles on plain paper. There was no total "digitalisation" either !!!
Yes, creative development is very difficult to predict. It is based on the insight of the individual, on the "Eureka" of Archimedes, on an apple that fell on Newton's head, on a table that appeared in a dream to Mendeleev. If Nikola Tesla had not introduced alternating current, direct-flow electricity would have been the lot of super-rich people, but we would have continued to warm ourselves by the fires, stoves, on coal and wood, the middle class, perhaps, would have had gas, since pumping it with a hand pump at all would not be enough ..
Our planet turned out to be the only one suitable for life in the solar system. But there are hundreds of billions of such systems in our galaxy! (!!) And there are hundreds of billions of such galaxies in the Universe! And, so far, nothing is heard from there. No radio signals, no green men. The most powerful radars are constantly listening to space, but there is silence. The most powerful emitters sent "smart" signals-codes of earthlings so that extraterrestrial inhabitants in any nooks and crannies of the universe heard and answered. In response, silence again. Radio telescopes, including those launched into space, did not help anyone see either. We are still alone. Some, lost on a tiny material capsule, with a boiling gut and a cooled, rough crust slightly moistened with moisture, which serves us as the Great Ocean.
I really want to live and master this very levitation, perhaps telekinesis will appear, after all, hypnosis is already possible. Maybe underwater vehicles will become available and capable of traveling 20 thousand leagues without surfacing. Universal supervaccines or immunostimulants should appear that will protect us from any ailments. A universal language or an innate biotranslator will appear and master, countries will unite, and all borders and walls will be erased and torn down. We will be able to independently, without smoke and soot, levitate and move around our planet by land, air, water and under water. We will learn at the nanoscale to produce and consume food, energy, and eliminate all the solid and toxic gas and liquid pollution. At the nanoscale, this will be easy.
Natural endorphins will be developed, coordinated and released into circulation, a global aura of happiness will be created that suppresses the flows of negative emotions, suppositories will be inserted free of charge and forcibly or tinctures will be poured against greed and aggressiveness to individuals who are exposed to them.Our communication will become truly limitless, rich and incredibly interesting and productive. Then we will find all solutions against any possible and impossible adversity. Even if a supervolcano explodes or an asteroid strikes, we can levitate in capsule cities above dark clouds, circulating our energy and metabolism in a close circle. Moreover, tsunamis will not be terrible either. Our developed universal abilities for super communication will allow us to negotiate with any aliens when they appear without fire or smoke. Oh, Mashenka! How could we live !!! ........
Having fallen to the ground, from the clouds and connected to the antediluvian wireless Internet, we see today the mankind gloomily dressed in muzzles. In the warmest continent, where there is no need to heat houses, and bananas fall themselves into the mouth, millions of children are sick with rickets and die of malnutrition. In the Middle East, people pray to one god, but they continuously kill each other as infidels. The population of the most developed countries suffers from obesity, throwing out 30% of food in a landfill, it is also susceptible to epidemics of drug addiction, neuroses, depression and suicides. Right there, bright minds are working hard on the global problems of world warming, atmospheric and oceanic pollution, total diseases, and preventing nuclear collapse, etc. At the same time, the invisible elite continues to rivet aircraft carriers, stealth aircraft, super and hyper missiles, space lasers, guns, launching thousands of communication satellites, creating digital information troops, provoking so far more or less controlled military conflicts around the world.
The colossian countries of one and a half billion have mastered all new technologies and the general stress of the planetary confrontation now looks just off scale.
It seems that humanity as a whole does not have time to recognize itself as reasonable and responsible for all life on our planet. For all!
In the event of a full-scale nuclear conflict, a nuclear winter will bury us all. You won't sit in the bunkers for a long time, no matter what supplies you put there. Sooner or later, you will have to go out on a scorched, extinct, frozen deserted surface in order to finally disappear into your own misery or be devoured by some hungry mutant creatures who miraculously survived the incredible ..
Feel the difference.
It would seem that the days of wild, ideological or extravagant conquerors such as Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon and Hitler have passed.They managed to captivate, organize and discipline the masses in order to carry out the campaigns that shook the world. Each of them at one time managed to capture half the world, enjoy power and glory, but the end turned out to be equally destructive for themselves and their nations. The world has learned its lessons, but the wars have not stopped. In the science of wars, there are many discussions and definitions about their nature and causes. Peace is defined as the time interval between wars. As soon as the balance of power is violated and some side gets a resource, technological and power advantage, a war occurs. Why so ???
Henry Ford once said that wars will automatically end if one can isolate one hundred of the richest and most powerful people on earth. He even organized a voyage to Europe on his steamer, on which the brightest minds of America were gathered among the passengers. The purpose of the voyage was to communicate with the leaders of European states to prevent the First World War. All her signs were already in the air. It was a fiasco! There was a "pandemic" on the ship, all the passengers fell victim to a severe fever, including G. Ford himself. No one was able to go ashore in Europe and the ship returned ingloriously back. At home, the voyage was ridiculed in the press, it was called "the ship of fools" and nothing stopped the war.
When my country collapsed, it was a pity, because instead of the "iron curtain" there were new borders, new, no better rhetoric. Hopes for peace also collapsed, because the seemingly cold war ended .. The hot ones began to blaze both where someone predicted them, and where it was impossible even to think earlier ...
Most of all, I was personally shocked by the self-separation of people, even where there are no wars. It became difficult to communicate with old friends who, unexpectedly or gradually, "imbued" ... here everyone has their own. Some for those, others for these. For some reason, only two sides always prevail. Two rhetoric. They give it out. Nobody expresses his thoughts and has no fabrications of his own. Clichés, quotes, slogans and ready-made "catch phrases" sometimes go in plain text, while among the most talented ones they find themselves immersed in the sauce of self-composed "poetics", bright and rich rhetoric, which betrays the performer's remarkable erudition and talent. Such people even get applause and have constant admirers. And this is among my good friends. I love and do not betray my friends, I try to understand, but I cannot always. Life, like a river, has a main current and coastal countercurrents. This is the law of physics. They need each other so that the banks do not erode quickly.And yet life is more complicated, and human life is even more difficult. Our mind is both a great gift and a great burden. As inevitable members of society, we cannot possess it on our own. We are exposed. We are divided. On races, nations, religions, estates, on non-brothers and further on the list ...
According to the biblical story, after the flood, the humanity was united and spoke the same language. Why did it wanted to build the tower of Babel to heaven and thereby glorify its names. God did not give people heaven, and he did not like this pride. He destroyed the structure, divided humanity, resettled it around the planet and made it speak in different languages. Now two-thirds of humanity speaks forty languages, and in total there are 7174 languages registered on our tiny planet! 4200 religions !!!, which can be divided into many branches. Even Judaism is divided into dozens of old and new currents. If this is truly a deed of God, the more difficult it is for me to believe. Is there a book about the devil's work? I could not find her.
We are divided. But it crashes on everyone. One hundred and forty years (!) Ago Thomas Carlyle said: "Revolutions are prepared by geniuses, they are made by romantics, the fruits are used by crooks!" The bright minds of mankind have long been for the unification of mankind. Europe then united. The Scandinavians with the Balkans, the Germans with the French, the Dutch with the Spaniards, and after all what disagreements there were .. Whether it’s bad, it has united, and we are being torn alive, for organs ... I publish this, but then I will continue .. real losses, real people haunt